Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Are you looking for a happy home? The Seagoville Church of Christ is a family of believers saved by the overflowing grace of Jesus. We worship God, revere his Word, and love each other. Drop by and see for yourself!

Church Blog

Quotes and Sayings

Bulletin Digest, December 2022 “The beginning of men’s rebellion against God was, and is, the lack of a thankful heart.” – Francis Schaeffer “God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?”‘ – William A. Ward “Seeds of discouragement will not grow in a thankful heart.” Anonymous…

The Bible’s Advice on Thanksgiving

It is very interesting to note the various contexts in which the word “thanksgivir-1g” occurs in the Bible (NKJV). Here are just a few of-the places: In Lev. 7:11-15, it is connected with offerings-and sacrifices to God. In Psa. 26, it is connected with the proclaiming of God and His “wondrous works.” In Psa. 95,…


Recent Sermons

An Encouraging Word

Hebrews 10:23

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.