Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love

Are you looking for a happy home? The Seagoville Church of Christ is a family of believers saved by the overflowing grace of Jesus. We worship God, revere his Word, and love each other. Drop by and see for yourself!

Church Blog

What Bank Do You Use?

Matthew 6:1-9-24 Where do you store your money on earth? Do you prefer a place-where you know your money is secure? or-one where your possessions are always in danger? 1. Jesus warned not to bank on earth (Matthew 6: 19). 2. Earthly bank deposits are: Material goods-(2 Kings 5:22) Money (Matt. 6:24) -Time -Fame 3.…

Why So Gloomy?

Our world is full of sadness and sorrow. Death comes and takes our loved ones. Financial troubles wreck our future plans. Sickness robs us of the idyllic scene we had envisioned for our lives. If we are not disciplined, we let these rob us of a happy life. Jesus knew life would be hard on…


Recent Sermons

An Encouraging Word

Mark 12:30-31

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these