Speaking the Truth in Love

A Love Story?

Vacationing in Florida some years ago, Patsy met Joseph. No, this isn’t a love story of the usual sort. Patsy was a Christian sister from Texas, and Joseph was a gentleman from Nairobi, Kenya.

Joseph was manning a flea market booth near Orlando. One day Patsy stopped by to do some shopping, and the two strangers engaged in friendly conversation. She asked if he’d be interested in taking a World Bible School correspondence course. Joseph eagerly accepted this offer. Even in Africa he had heard of World Bible School but lacked contact information.

I happen to know about this conversation because when Joseph was ready to obey the Gospel, Patsy called the Concord Street congregation in Orlando. My brother-in-law Dan Wheeler, the preaching minister there at the time, had the great pleasure of immersing Joseph into Christ. Dan said that the new brother was very gracious and thankful. He was excited about becoming a Christian and eager to share the good news with friends and family in Kenya.

No, this isn’t a love story of the usual kind. It is, though, a love story of the greatest kind. The Lord said that “the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). Our sister Patsy understood that Christ’s mission was to be hers as well. She loved the souls of lost people and was watching for opportunities to plant the seed of the kingdom.

What if you or I had been the Texan shopping at the flea market that day? Would we have shared the Gospel with Joseph—or would he still be lost? Let’s copy the following contact information on a piece of paper and keep it in our wallet so that we will always be ready to share it with a receptive stranger:

World Bible School
P.O. Box 2169
Cedar Park, TX 78630

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