Mothers often feel guilty. Did I harm my baby by giving him cereal before the time recommended by pediatricians? Have I permanently impaired my toddler’s immune system by letting him have too many junk food snacks? Have I warped my grade schooler’s psyche by saying no so many times in a sharp voice? Have I ruined his social life by refusing to host a sleepover for a gang of rambunctious boys?
Mom, take a deep breath and enjoy your special day on May 13. Perfection isn’t a prerequisite for good motherhood. As evident below, the best known mothers in the book of Genesis made big mistakes. But their children turned out just fine.
Eve ate the forbidden fruit. As a result, the entire human race was expelled from the Garden of Eden. But her son Abel was a righteous man, the first person in world history to die for his obedience to God. “He died,” the Bible says, but through his faith “he still speaks” (Heb. 11:4).
Sarah was capable of cruelty. She sent her slave girl Hagar into the desert, not really caring what happened to the young woman. But Sarah’s son, Isaac, became a kind man and a spiritual father of believers from every nation (Matt. 8:11).
Rebekah contrived a way for Jacob, her favorite son, to deceive her blind husband and steal his brother’s blessing. But in time Jacob learned the meaning of submission to God. The Lord renamed him Israel, a name almost synonymous with blessing and promise.
Rachel stole her father’s household gods and then lied to him when he tried to recover them. But her son Joseph was a model of honesty and integrity. He went to prison on a false charge of attempted rape, but even in his long confinement he continued to trust God.