Speaking the Truth in Love

The Church of Jesus Christ

When Maturity Comes

Concerning spiritual gifts Paul says that prophecy will pass away, that tongues will cease, that supernatural revelations will end (1 Cor. 13:8). But when? The apostle explains that “when the perfect comes, the imperfect [spiritual gifts] will pass away” (v. 10). But what is “the perfect”? The Greek phrase translated “the perfect” (to teleion) can…

Church and State

Public school teachers cannot legally lead students in prayer, display the Ten Commandments, or teach the Genesis creation account. According to the Supreme Court’s dubious interpretation of the Constitution, the state must sever any links between itself and religion–Christianity in particular. What biblical principles relate to this controversial legal doctrine known as “separation of church…

A Christ-Centered Church

Several years ago I heard an excellent Gospel meeting message presented by Billy Smith, dean of the Freed-Hardeman University Bible department. His sermon challenged the assembly to make Jesus the focus of faith, worship, daily living, and hope. Billy introduced his lesson by noting a common criticism of the churches of Christ. “Our denominational friends…