Speaking the Truth in Love

Disciples of Jesus

Three Golden Gates

When I was a boy, my parents purchased a series of instructional film strips for Christian teens. One film, in particular, made an indelible impression on my young mind. Its narrator emphasized that every word spoken by a believer must pass through “three golden gates” before being said aloud. These three gates were truth, kindness,…

The Happiest People

A typical greeting card includes an imparted wish for happiness in the coming year. Many people, though, don’t know how to be happy. Every year they tramp along in the same old rutted road of self-pity and discontent. But it doesn’t have to be this way. According to researcher Dr. Martin Seligman, author of Authentic…

Rejoice in The Lord

In his letter to the Philippians, Paul urges his readers to “rejoice in the Lord always” (4:4). Is he talking about happiness? Certainly, most people want to be happy. Happiness is the good feeling we have when everything goes our way. Happy is how we feel when our favorite basketball team wins a big game,…

When My Buttons Are Pushed

Is someone pushing your buttons? Perhaps a relative, coworker, neighbor, or church member always seems to know just how to say the wrong thing and spike your blood pressure. How is a Christian to cope with such a person? The apostle Paul says: “If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with…

Be Imitators of Me

Paul urges his readers to “be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). He is following the Lord so closely that the Corinthians would benefit from imitating his good conduct. That is, following Paul would make the church stronger and more mature. Would the Seagoville congregation benefit from following my example?…

Get Rich Quick

TV commercials promising easy money are amusing. These advertisements assure gullible viewers that they can earn a comfortable living while sitting on their hands: “To learn more, just call the toll-free number at the bottom of your screen.” Call that number, and you may be duped into buying a “starter’s kit” costing only $495.95. Yes,…

The Best of the Best

Teenagers long to excel in something important to them. James studies tirelessly, hoping to be the class valedictorian. Heather monitors every bite of food and follows all the beauty tips in her teen magazines, hoping to be chosen homecoming queen. Drew spends endless hours lifting weights and running, hoping to become the most valuable player…

The Attitude of Christ

Paul, along with Silas and Timothy, established the Philippian church on his second missionary journey (Acts 16:12-40). Apparently, most of the new converts were non-Jewish. The absence of a synagogue in the city (v. 13) indicated that few Jews lived in the area. In addition, the names of the Philippians mentioned in Paul’s letter to…