Speaking the Truth in Love

Faith Despite Persecution

Approximately 64 A.O., The Great Fire of Rome devastated the city. If you were alive during that time, it would have had the sort of shock value that we all experienced in our own national tragedy. Before then, Christianity was growing. However, it was thought of as “just another religion” in the mixing pot of religions in Roman world. But the fire changed everything! Some historians believe that it was started by the Roman emperor, Nero. Whether or not he caused the fire, to throw off his accusers Nero blamed it on Christians. Persecution intensified all throughout the Roman world. History is full of stories of how Christians faced this persecution without denying our Lord. Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b). Our Lord never promised that the Christian walk would be easy. But he did say that it will be worth. So, no matter what the future holds in store, remember Jesus’ promise: “Lo, I am wi!h you always, even unto the end of the world”–(Matthew 28:20b).

Larry Fitzgerald Woodlawn church of Christ Abilene, TX

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