We pray this letter finds you well and safe!!
We wanted to inform everyone that the doors of Seagoville Church of Christ are open for services. Because we want to always lead the Church to continue worshipping our Lord as He commands, we never closed our doors entirely; instead we recognized the need to take safety precautions for every member’s well being and safety. We encouraged smaller gatherings at the building. We began streaming our Sunday Morning services, and we have initiated an Online giving application on our website called Tithe.ly. This app is also available for smartphone download, if you so desire. We have been using individual communion elements, and plan to continue their use for a few more weeks. These and other safety precautions will continue as needed, and as businesses are starting to reopen this week, we pray you will join us again for worship this Sunday!
We recognize not everyone can come back this week. While we do not encourage fear, we recognize the need to make safe decisions. We want to encourage everyone to continue making the best decision for you and your family to be safe, but also pay attention to your priority list. Remember to keep God FIRST on that list. When you are able to safely exit your “place-of-quarantine”, we would LOVE to see you at worship!
To that end, the Shepherds have decided on Wednesday, June 3rd, as our target-date to start our Mid-week services back, including Bible classes and short devotional. We will continue to watch reports and listen to Government officials as we wait to add Sunday Morning Bible classes and Evening services at some point in the future. We solicit your prayers for us as we continually pray for each of you.
May the Lord bless each of us as we continue in Christ’s footsteps,
Monty, Steve, and Larry