Speaking the Truth in Love

Is there something lacking in your Bible class? Is it as engaging or convicting as it could be?

Image result for bored personIs there something lacking in your Bible class? Is it as engaging or convicting as it could be? Do you find yourself attending Bible class out of habit or compulsion, but not much else?

Image result for Stressed TeacherAre you a teacher who feels burned out, ill-trained, or unqualified? Is it tough putting together a lesson each week? Are you frustrated by a lack of discussion or engagement from your students?


Image result for teaching rocketOn October 15, I’m excited to be at Seagoville for TEACHING ROCKET, a training seminar for those who want to be a better Bible teacher or student. Our first session will explore the goals of a good Bible class program. Why exactly do we come together for Bible study on Sunday morning/Wednesday night? What are we trying to accomplish? A healthy Bible class program needs clearly defined goals, and we’ll talk about what those should be.

Image result for healthy bible classIn the other sessions, we’ll explore how to prepare and deliver a Bible lesson. I’ll take you through several exercises that will equip you to generate your own lesson material from scratch week in and week out. Finally, we’ll wrap up with a discussion on classroom dynamics. I’ve known a lot of people who were reluctant to teach because the prospect of teaching others intimidated them. How do I connect with my students? How do I ask engaging, thought-provoking questions that spark discussion? How do I handle class disrupters?

If you have no desire to become a class teacher, I want to encourage you to attend anyway. This seminar is for more than teachers; it’s great for anyone who wants to be a better Bible student. Much of what we discuss will help you mine the riches of Scripture for yourself. Whether you want to be a better Bible student or teacher, I hope to see you on October 15!

Biographical Sketch

Michael Whitworth is the owner of Start2Finish, a web media and book publishing company. He is the author of over eight books, including the award-winning “The Epic of God” and “The Derision of Heaven.” He has over 12 years’ experience in full-time preaching and ministry. Michael is a 2006 graduate of Freed-Hardeman with a degree in Bible and a minor in political science.

He and his wife Sara have two daughters, Audrey and Mikaela.

In his spare time, he enjoys reading, drinking coffee, watching sports, and spending time with his wonderful family and furry golden retriever.

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