Speaking the Truth in Love

When Talking about People Is a Sin

Image result for gossip hurtsGossip is a serious offense. Paul lists it with sins such as murder and hating God (Rom. 1:29-30). But is it accurate to define gossip as “saying bad things about other people”? No.

Sometimes, saying bad things about others is necessary. Consider a few examples. Revealing bad things about others is necessary if silence would be hurtful. A woman groped by a male coworker should tell her superiors and file a complaint at the police department. Saying bad things about another person is necessary if he needs church discipline. Jesus says that if a brother refuses to repent when confronted, then “tell it to the church” (Matt. 18:17). This isn’t gossip, is it? And saying bad things about others is necessary for anyone responsible for giving warnings. Smart parents warn their sons to avoid treacherous female companions (Prov. 5:7-8). Wise preachers warn the church about false teachers (2 Tim. 2:16-18).Image result for false teachers

Yes, gossip means saying bad things about other people. In the situations described above, however, the speaker has wholesome intentions. The intent of gossip is unwholesome. Gossip is characterized by one or more of the following things:

Secrecy. Gossips are “whisperers” Rom. 1:29, NKJV). A gossip doesn’t want her name attached to her rumors. Don’t tell anyone I said this, but …

Evil Pleasure. True love “does not rejoice at wrong” (1 Cor. 13:6), but a gossip can’t wait to share his juicy tidbits.

Indifference to the Truth. Does a gossip always lie? No, but it’s of no concern that many of her unflattering comments can’t be substantiated by fact.Image result for gossip free zone

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