Speaking the Truth in Love

Update from the Elders about Sunday March 29, 2020

As you may know, we are now streaming the 10:00 am service for those not able to come worship with us each Sunday Morning. As of this writing, we still intend to meet 3 times this Sunday the same manner as last week;
9:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  A-H
10:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  I-Q
11:00 am for all members with Last Name beginning  R-Z
however, we understand some will choose to stay at home and watch the stream.
To that end, the Shepherds have purchased Communion elements in individual sized containers. One or more of us will be at the building tomorrow, Friday the 27th, between 1:00-4:00 pm for anyone who would like to drive by and pick them up for the next two weeks.  If you plan to come by the building to pick up communion elements, pull through the awning on the side of the building and you won’t have to leave your car!
If you are aware of those who are unable to get out for themselves and you would like to deliver some to them, that would be a great service! If you need to make arrangements for a different time, please call Steve at 972-977-4596.
In His service,
Your Shepherds (Larry,  Monty, and Steve)
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