The great apostle and evangelist, Peter did some amazing things in his preaching career. In Acts 2, he delivered the first gospel sermon after Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Acts 2:41 records that an astounding number responded to this and were baptized into Christ-almost 3,0001 Peter continued preaching even though arrested several times, beaten, and threatened with his life if he continued to proclaim the name of Christ (cf. Acts 4-5). He-was also the first apostle to take the gospel to the Gentiles, with the conversion of Cornelius and his friends and fam-ily in Acts 10. After Acts 15 where Peter is involved in an apostolic gathering, we know very little of his activities. I agree with George DeHoff concerning-Peter in that “As the years went by he was mentioned less frequently in the sacred writing probably because he was away from Jerusalem preaching in distant places” (DeHoff’s Bible Handbook). Peter, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wrote two epistles later in life. They were written to encourage Christians, especially new converts, to withstand the trials and persecutions that they were about to encounter. Likely this is in reference to Nero’s persecutions. It is believed that Peter’s second epistle would have been written shortly before his death. If that’s the case, then the last words of the second epistle of Peter would have been his final words of encouragement. Peter’s last words in chapter 3 of his second epistle are a reminder for all Christians to be diligent to … be sanctified (v.14), be studying (v.15-16), be steadfast(v.17) Christians, let’s make sure that we are cleansed by the blood of Christ and living pure and righteous lives, searching and studying the Scriptures for all they’re worth, and remaining faithful and true to God. It’s Peter’s lasting wish for us. ” ••• but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen” (2 Pet. 3:18)
Edd Sterchi Broadway Church of Christ, Campbellsville, Ky