One hot afternoon three “men” appear to Abraham near Hebron. He graciously entertains them, at first not realizing that his guests are the Lord and two angels. When they leave, Abraham accompanies them for a time. Any good Eastern host would extend the same courtesy.
As they walk together, the Lord says, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” (Gen. 18:17). God answers his own question. No. Abraham is a friend. And so God discloses his plan to destroy Sodom and the other wicked cities in the Jordan valley.
So many people imagine that God is aloof. A man is a mere ant carrying an oversized load of dirt to the ant hill. God takes no notice of us and doesn’t care whether we live or die.
This viewpoint is all wrong. David says that the sky proclaims God’s glory. The sun by day and the stars by night speak eloquently of his presence and power. With every sunset and moonrise, God is inviting our attention. Listen to me. Come to me.
But that’s not all. Amos says that God does nothing without revealing his plans to the prophets. Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, and other inspired men teach Israel how to live, how to please God in worship, how to avoid the disastrous consequences of deliberate sin. The Lord has no secrets. He wants his people to know him.
But that’s not all. God’s own Son assumes human flesh. Does Jesus enter our world to die for our sins? Yes. But he comes for another equally important reason. John says that Jesus has come to reveal God to us.
Is God hiding from me? Is he withholding important information so that I’ll grope blindly through life or get a nasty shock on Judgment day? No. God is pursuing me! “Here I am. Take my hand. Let’s walk together as friends. I have great things to tell you.”